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Rev. Fr. Kindo Xavier

Date of Birth
Date of First Profession : 22-04-2017
Date of Final Profession : 09-09-2020
Date of Diaconate Ordination :  29-12-2020
 Date of Ordination:  14-05-2021
Home Address:   Xavier Kindo
Vill -Sanwa Tongri Toli
P. O. Gariajore, Kurdeg, Simdega (Jharkhand)
Pin 835212
+91 96 30 98 72 99
Residential Address:
Heralds Spiritual Orientation  Centre,
Kurukuru P.O. Devarapalli Md.
Nidadavole, East Godavari Dt.
Andra Pradesh 534 305
Cell: +91 96 30 98 72 99
Whats App:
+91 96 30 98 72 99
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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